A message from Erin Heaney - Lead Organizer SURJ National

White folks - you're probably waking up this morning, turning on the news, full of rage.

The urge to call other white people out today is going to be overwhelming. Please do not spend your precious energy doing that. Our enemies are not other individual white people.

Yes, white people are racist. AND our enemy is racialized capitalism and white supremacy.

We have been asked to build a base that can actually flex enough power to defund the police, to stop the fascist in the White House from getting re-elected, and to transform our economic system to one that doesn't exploit and kill poor and working people.

Today, let us turn our rage upward to those in power and let us take action today that moves us closer to the visionary demands declared by those on the frontlines. Let us move resources to people supporting uprisings. Let us spend one of our most precious resources, time, bringing in the thousands of people who are coming into consciousness in this moment, messy are they are. Let us be strategic and rigorous.

There's too much at stake to spend our time performing and not organizing.